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The Harmful Myth of The Livestock Guardian Donkey

There is a reason why any rescue organization "worth their salt" will not adopt out donkeys as "livestock guardians". There has been a long standing history of claims that donkeys will protect herds of smaller animals. And while some donkeys are territorial, most should never be put in this situation. The numbers of people messaging, emailing, and texting us asking either for livestock guardians or for help because their guardian donkey attacked a calf, sheep, or goat is astounding and frankly disheartening. This myth needs to cease. The 4 main reasons donkeys are not suitable as livestock guardians are: 1. Donkeys have a vastly different diet than other livestock (including horses) and will get obese on a cattle, goat, sheep or horse diet.

2. Donkeys often harm what they are supposed to "protect". That is solely the OWNER'S fault for putting them in that situation. Many donkeys do fine until they finally crack, and harm their pasture mates. It can be years down the road. It happens. 

3. Donkeys are herd animals and need other donkeys for their mental and physical well-being. They do not speak horse, goat, pig, cow, or sheep.

4. Donkeys rarely survive a true predator attack by anything larger than them. Miniature donkeys especially are at risk of predation, and I've had two MAMMOTH donkeys ripped to shreds by one pit bull who wriggled through a  cracked car window to go after them. They were nearly eviscerated. Donkeys are PREY, not predators! 


We collect screenshots of donkey owners who have had terrible experiences with "livestock guardian" donkeys that we will share below. Names have been purposefully left out as each experience was horrific and these are not meant to shame individuals, rather to educate to prevent these types of attacks in the future. The screenshots shown are about the number we collect on a MONTHLY basis. We have hundreds of these and have seen so many more! I think this speaks for itself. Why risk it?? Unless you enjoy vet bills and heartache. 

These screenshots are not shown to give folks anxiety about donkeys, or put them in a negative light. Donkeys are AMAZING, kind, loving animals. These situations are SOLELY the responsibility of the owner who put that animal in that situation without researching the possible problems that could occur, and are absolutely heartbreaking, especially for the donkey, who is now oftentimes rehomed or blamed for the situation. 

Anecdotal Evidence:

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